Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Birthday presents come in two

Mail brought today two book-related letters. One contained a letter noticing that I had not made it in the crime novel contest (I'd sent them two novels!), another one contained our new name book.

I'm in the middle of making corrections and Finlandisizing other of the two crime novels. It's harder than I'd originally thought and I don't really know if it gets any better, but at least it's more marketable. Sometimes it embarrasses me a bit that I've been foolish enough to write a P.I. pastiche novel that takes place in the fifties' America. Isn't there stuff to write about in present-day Finland? I can only say that my other crime novel is clearly about present-day Finland. It's maybe just too nasty to charm the readers.

Oops, I forgot to tell what the header means: I'm 34 today.


  1. Congratulations, der Alte!

  2. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Happy belated!

  3. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Myöh.onn.! Sinähän olet sitten niin sanotusti iso poika jo.

  4. Congrats, youngster!

  5. No more Mr. Boy Wonder! Thanks, guys!
