Sunday, May 13, 2007

Finally the cover of The Fifth Testament

Here's finally the cover of The Fifth Testament, the book of suspense stories by writers of the Turku region that I edited and that was published a month ago. I've mentioned it a couple of times back earlier. The cover is by Jukka Murtosaari, who's an enthusiast of classic pulp and paperback illustrations, which clearly shows. Here is a cover he made for Gryphon Books (in b&w only, sorry) and here and here are some others he's made for my small press publications.


Anonymous said...

Kiinnostava kirja se oli, mutta ah niin kallis hankkia, vielä mutkien kautta.

Juri said...

Joo, levitys ei ole vielä hanskassa. Painos on pieni ja välikuluja on niin paljon että hintaa ei voi pitää kovin alhaisena, jos haluaa edes rahansa takaisin. Suomalainen kirjakauppa ei muuten ottanut kirjaa myyntiin, koska olisivat maksaneet niistä muistaakseni 3 e kappale kustantajalle! Ne siat!

(This conversation is about the price of the book. It's too high, due to many reasons.)