Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Sherlock Holmes in Finland

Here's the cover for my newest book, an anthology I edited called Sherlock Holmes in Finland. There are fourteen short stories and one play (!) in it, a mix of new and old. The play is from 1936, called Sherlock Mopsi, from a forgotten writer called Arvo Salmivaara. It's hilarious.

But I'll post more details later; the book will be out on Friday, 11st. The cover (which is simply great) is by Anssi Rauhala and you can see by taking a look at this how it refers to the famous painting by the Finnish artist Axel Gallén-Kallela.

1 comment:

K V Laihonen said...

Sherlock näkyy myös viihtyneen "symposionissa" pitempään, harittavasta zombie-katseesta päätellen, vaikka onkin kuvattu ilmeisesti kuokkavieraana - ja klyývari on kyllä enämpi mallia Jopi Rinne kuin "haukkaprofiili"... :-)