Saturday, March 26, 2011

Moomins, those satanists

Instead of a proper post*, here's a link to a hilariously inane "article" on Moomins, the great fairytale novels of Tove Jansson, the Finnish writer. I really love it when my both children love them just as much as I've always done.

* We just sold our apartment, are prepared to move to a bigger one and I should be packing all of my books, I had a writer's block that lasted a week and now that I'm over with it, I should concentrate fully on writing the architecture book. 

Edit: it came to my knowledge some minutes ago that the Landover Baptist Church is a parody. Well, they fooled me, that's for sure. 


Steven Hart said...

I think you got burned by a parody site. U.S. fundamentalists are pretty crazy, but this is too over-the-top to be the real thing. It's clever, though.

Anders E said...

"Troll is malevolent being out of Scandinavian mythology, originally referring to Finnish people."

If it's any consolation, just check out what kind of malevolent us swedes are: