Monday, November 07, 2005

I got it!

I got the TV job!

Well, that's how I figured it. I was pretty flabbergasted when they phoned me earlier today and announced that they had liked me. I'm going to shoot the test pilot next Tuesday and the first real show - well, that went past me since I was in such a mess during the conversation. It seems, though, that they don't yet really know what they are going to do with the show, but I've decided that I won't mind. It pays the bills.

Now I just have to get new glasses. The current ones show reflection.


mybillcrider said...

Congratulations. Now you'll have fame, fortune, and groupies!

jukkahoo said...

Congrats! Will the show have an audience? Could you get me in? Or is this considered to be bad luck or some such nonsense?

Juri said...

Groupies? Groupies?! Didn't think of that... Now I'm really looking forward to this!

Thanks, guys, much appreciated!

Juri said...

Sorry, I didn't understand Jukkahoo's question about the audience until later. No, it won't have an audience. Sorry! I can get you in otherwise, as an interviewee. How's about that?