Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My eyes! My eyes!

My eyes are sore. I've been layouting the newest issue of Ruudinsavu all day. (Well, not all day, maybe for two hours, but I was working fiercely before that.) It will be a good issue, with a long article on John Wayne's B-pictures, an essay on Budd Boetticher and several shorter pieces on Deadwood. I have yet to write an interview I did with Jim Beaver who plays Ellsworth in the show.

What else is new? I've been reading old newspapers for an article I mentioned earlier: about Tapani Maskula's writings on the American post-film noir new wave, in the late fifties to the early sixties, just before the European New Wave hit the shores and everyone started to make too self-conscious anti-Hollywood films. People like Irving Lerner, Paul Wendkos and Burt Topper get Maskula's praise. No one knows these names anymore. I've picked some other information along the way, too - I started a database for buildings and their designers into which I added stuff from the papers. I've also found quite a batch of new rare first names (new to me, that is).

Tit-bits from today:

I tried to e-mail to a lady whom I knew to be a descendant of a writer whose short story I'd like to reprint, but the e-mail bounced back.

I bought a vintage Hawaiian shirt from UFF's 3-euro day.

I tried to get Aake Jermo's old crime novel from the university library to scan its cover, but they had bound it without the cover! What crime!

I got a request to say something to a local newspaper about the EU attempt to crash the library grant system that works nicely in Finland and helps unpopular writers - such as myself* - to maintain their profession. Have to write it soon, after Shield.

I'm also going to another interview: I'll be in an article about men who like to dress in a personal manner! I'll post the pictures here.

* Unpopular? The name books I've done with Elina have been very popular. I could even benefit from the new system. But I have solidarity towards my fellow workers. And I could do worse and write obscure poetry ladened with allusions to Jacques Derrida and Gerard Manley Hopkins.


Tosikko said...

Hei, hienoa että kirjastoapurahakatastrofi saa huomiota! Ja säähän olet mitä mallikkain mediapersoona muutenkin. PS. Et menettänyt mitään lauantaina. Kwlhwbas!

Juri said...

Tajusin äsken Shieldiä katsoessani, että tämä on eka kerta, kun minua kohdellaan samalla tavalla kuin "oikeita" kirjailijoita. Kysely meni mm. Tommi Parkolle, Ville Hytöselle, Markus Jääskeläiselle, Harri Raittiille ja kenelle vielä. Nyt en sano: ygpnq!

Anonymous said...

Itseäni ei kiinnosta eikä innosta pätkääkään jos rahaa alkaa ropista lisää jollekin J.K. Stephenking-Rowling-Paasilinna-Brownille, minua kiinnostaa josko eurokäytäntö toisi viimein myös sarjakuvat - kirjastojen lainatuimman aineiston - kunnolla kirjastokorvausten piiriin.