Thursday, January 24, 2008

Kallasvuo sucks!

(This is about Finnish politics.)

Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo sanoi tänään Hesarissa, että markkinataloudessa ei voi taata elämänpituisia työpaikkoja, millä hän viittasi Saksassa lakkautettavaan Nokian tehtaaseen.

Tiedän ainakin yhden tyypin, jolle nykyinen markkinatalous takaa elämänpituisen työpaikan. Vaikka se ei olisikaan Nokia, niin kyllä näin dynaamiselle kaverille aina duuni löytyy.


Todd Mason said...

But does Kallasuvo suck as much as Bush? I had to stop listening to MonkeyBoy and started listening to a Noam Chomsky talk from last week on C-SPAN while burning the night oil here at work.

Todd Mason said...

And does his intake of all the available oxygen have someting to do with Nokia, or extra-Nokia, or to do with how Nokia might want to take over all of Finland?

Juri said...

"Kallasvuo sucks" refers to a Facebook group of that name that gained some notoriety a while back. This was about Nokia shutting down a factory in Germany and Kallasvuo saying that the capitalism (or whatever the word was that he used) can't provide a life-long job for everyone. I simply stated that it provides one for him.

What's MonkeyBoy? Or who? Is it Bush?

Todd Mason said...

GW himself, and his simian appearance, indeed.

Juri said...

That's a nickname I hadn't heard.