I reviewed some of the stories earlier here, but now that I've finally gotten hold of an actual, physical copy, I can't but say: "Vow! This does look cool!" The book is hefty, and ripe with old illustrations and covers and ads from the sleazy men's adventures mags from the fifties, sixties and seventies. And there's lots of information about the authors, which is at times more important and more interesting than the actual stories.
I've had my hands full of other projects (for example, I just e-mailed my werewolf anthology to the publisher just five minutes ago), so I haven't had time to dip into the book again. But I mean to.
More Forgotten Books here.
I saw something about this a while back, perhaps here, but didn't get it, and now I wish I had...
Juri, I recommend that you do not read anymore of this collection. Unfortunately, I have, and I am still recovering. I may never be the same. I keep fighting the urge to dress up as a Nazi and harass young girls like on the covers of these magazines.
Bob: it's still available through Amazon and other stores.
Walker: I can't think of a better future than that.
Hi Juri - Thanks again! Wyatt, Josh and I really appreciate your mentions of the book. Please post a note on the availability of your werewolf anthology in the Men's Adventure Magazines Facebook Group when you get a chance.
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