We did a week-long trip to Chania and Gerani in Crete, and I took, as usual with our trips, my Kindle along. I didn't get to read much (who can do that with a three-year old kid on a same trip?), but I managed to get through one novel. I think that's pretty good given the circumstances. And hey, I also wanted to the beach!
The book in question was Barbary Slave that I'd loaded free on my Kindle. It was written by Gardner F. Fox who's best known as one of the more prolific writers for DC Comics and the creator of the DC Multiverse, alongside with several DC characters. I'm not really into superheroes, but Fox interests me as a contributor to pulp magazines (westerns, sports, science fiction) and as a paperback writer. His reputation hasn't been very good, seems like he could be a sloppy writer with cardboard characters. I thought, though, I might be entertained for a short while reading Barbary Slave. I'd started earlier a new thriller with an interesting premise, but given up after some pages, since there was just too much disposition and not enough action. I'd also started one of Gardner Fox's science fiction novels, but that seemed only ridiculous.
But Barbary Slave proved to be pretty entertaining. Sure, it was racist and chauvinistic as all hell, but I still enjoyed the heck out of it. The action starts from page one and almost never slows down. Barbary Slave is a fast-moving swashbuckler set in the early 19th century Tunis, during First Barbary War (war I knew almost nothing about until now), and the hero is an American navy lieutenant called Fletcher. In the beginning of the book he's already been a slave for several months and been digging food from ditches. He manages to rise from the gutter only to find himself a guardian of a harem. The queen lusts for Fletcher and tries to conquer him with all her might. The book has all the plot twists of several Game of Thrones episodes, with all the violence depicted in an old-fashioned, at times almost ecliptic style, and without the rapes. I actually thought this could've been a Conan novel, set in a fantastic setting, instead of a historically accurate (or at least one pretending to be) setting. Many of the chapters end in a cliffhanger, which kept me turning the pages, though Fox's writing style is florid. This is strictly purple prose, but it's almost never too purple. I also know next to nothing about ships or fencing, but Fox seems to have known was he was writing about.
The racism, though... almost all the Arabs and Moslems in the book are either stupid or cruel and sadistic - or both. The only heroic Arab is an armless man who's been tortured wildly by rulers. There's also no way Fletcher could fall in love with the harem's queen or another Arab woman, there has to be a white American woman who he can fall in love with safely. But given the book's age, this all is somewhat understandable.
The book was originally published as by Kevin Matthews by Popular Library in 1955, but it's been reprinted as Gardner F. Fox for quite a few times now. I noticed the e-book was free through illustrator Kurt Brugel's newsletter (for a limited time, it's not free anymore); he's bringing all of Fox's novels out as e-books. There were some formatting errors throughout the book, but not too many. Here's another review if you don't believe me.
More Forgotten Books at Patricia Abbott's blog here.
Friday, June 15, 2018
Friday, June 08, 2018
Grover Brinkman
When I was doing my ground-breaking first book, Pulpografia, the encyclopedia of over 300 American pulp and paperback crime writers published in Finland, I noticed that some of the books that came out here weren't always published in the US. The first one I could identify was Bruce Cassiday's The Heister (Vain viisi tuntia in Finnish), a solid cop novel that Cassiday and his agent couldn't sell to American publishers in the mid-sixties, so it landed only here (and other Nordic countries, if I remember correctly). It's not a bad book, someone like Gary Lovisi should reissue it.
Some other books that I had difficulties with were four PI novels by one Grover Brinkman. They featured a half-Indian private eye Colt Youngblood (dig that name, will you!), with broads and bullets. Nothing remarkable here, it's no wonder the books didn't sell in the US. But still interesting to know about them.
Going through some old files I spotted a Contemporary Authors entry for Brinkman I've received from someone (as usual, I believe it was Denny Lien). It mentions "a four-part detective novel series published in Scandinavia". Brinkman also had an erratic, but long career in pulps and other fictionmags. See here for more details. Attached are two covers of Brinkman's novels, the other two are Chubasco! (Hirmumyrsky in Finnish) and Thunderbird (Ukkoslinnut in Finnish).
Grover Brinkman
Personal Information: Family: Born February 27, 1903, in Illinois; died March 17, 1999, in Columbia, IL; son of John (a farmer) and Sarah Jane (Friend) Brinkman; married Leona May Stricker, July 21, 1925; children: Gene H., Shirley Jane Brinkman McDannold. Education: Attended
Belleville College of Business. Religion: Methodist. Memberships: Lions Club.
Career: Okawville Times, Okawville, IL, editor and publisher, 1925-47; free-lance writer and photographer, 1947--.
* Night of the Blood Moon, Independence Press (Independence, Mo.), 1976.
Also editor of This Is Washington County, 1968, and Grover Brinkman's Southern Illinois, 1976. Also author of a four-part detective novel series published in Scandinavia. Contributor to more than two hundred magazines and newspapers, including Life. Editor of Back Home in Illinois, a regional magazine.
Brinkman comments: "I work with my wife as a writing-photographic team; I sold my first piece of fiction to Grit at the age of sixteen; since then have been selling on the regional, national, and international level. I have more than a hundred thousand photographic negatives on file, the work of forty years behind the camera. In other words, I'm a working freelance and we make a living at it. I write fiction `just for fun.' "
Some other books that I had difficulties with were four PI novels by one Grover Brinkman. They featured a half-Indian private eye Colt Youngblood (dig that name, will you!), with broads and bullets. Nothing remarkable here, it's no wonder the books didn't sell in the US. But still interesting to know about them.
Going through some old files I spotted a Contemporary Authors entry for Brinkman I've received from someone (as usual, I believe it was Denny Lien). It mentions "a four-part detective novel series published in Scandinavia". Brinkman also had an erratic, but long career in pulps and other fictionmags. See here for more details. Attached are two covers of Brinkman's novels, the other two are Chubasco! (Hirmumyrsky in Finnish) and Thunderbird (Ukkoslinnut in Finnish).
Grover Brinkman
Personal Information: Family: Born February 27, 1903, in Illinois; died March 17, 1999, in Columbia, IL; son of John (a farmer) and Sarah Jane (Friend) Brinkman; married Leona May Stricker, July 21, 1925; children: Gene H., Shirley Jane Brinkman McDannold. Education: Attended
Belleville College of Business. Religion: Methodist. Memberships: Lions Club.
Career: Okawville Times, Okawville, IL, editor and publisher, 1925-47; free-lance writer and photographer, 1947--.
* Night of the Blood Moon, Independence Press (Independence, Mo.), 1976.
Also editor of This Is Washington County, 1968, and Grover Brinkman's Southern Illinois, 1976. Also author of a four-part detective novel series published in Scandinavia. Contributor to more than two hundred magazines and newspapers, including Life. Editor of Back Home in Illinois, a regional magazine.
Brinkman comments: "I work with my wife as a writing-photographic team; I sold my first piece of fiction to Grit at the age of sixteen; since then have been selling on the regional, national, and international level. I have more than a hundred thousand photographic negatives on file, the work of forty years behind the camera. In other words, I'm a working freelance and we make a living at it. I write fiction `just for fun.' "
Tuesday, June 05, 2018
Otso Kantokorpi ja dekkarit
Dekkariseuran Ruumiin kulttuuri 80-luvulta, jolloin Otso lehteen kirjoitti |
Niin kuin monet - ehkä melkein kaikki blogiani lukevat - tietävät, kriitikko Otso Kantokorpi kuoli äkillisesti muutama viikko sitten. Se oli pysäyttävä uutinen. Hän oli muutamaa päivää aiemmin kysynyt minulta Facebook-viestillä, missä Turussa kannattaisi syödä, ja sitten saanut bussissa sairaskohtauksen palatessaan Turkuun suuntautuneelta taidemuseomatkalta.
En voi sanoa tunteneeni Otsoa kovin hyvin, mutta tiemme olivat muutamaan kertaan ristenneet. En ole lukenut hänen kirjoitettua tuotantoaan kovin laajasti, mutta sen verran kuitenkin, että osaan sanoa menetyksen olevan suuri. Ärhäkkäästi, mutta älykkäästi eikä millään lailla itsestäänselvästi vasemmistolaista kuvataidekriitikkoa kaivattaisiin jatkossakin, varsinkin kun julkisesti kantaaottavia kriitikoita on muutenkin niin vähän.
Oli miten oli, tiemme ristesivät epätodennäköisessä kohdassa: olen nimittäin julkaissut kolme Otson kirjoittamaa novellia, joista kaksi oli uudelleenjulkaisuja, yksi varta vasten kirjoitettu bagatelli. Otso oli nuorena miehenä lähettänyt Kolmiokirjalle Joni Skiftesvikin päätoimittamaan RikosPalat-lehteen muistaakseni viisi novellia, joista yksi, yksityisetsivän naissuhteita kuvaava "Lomalle", ilmestyi numerossa 1/1988. Neljästä muusta novellista yksi ilmestyi Like Uutisissa 4/1994 salanimellä Sam Tanner. "Kuolleet kalat" on ylilyövä yksityisetsiväparodia, paljon härskimpi kuin melankolinen "Lomalle".
Kolme RikosPaloihin lähetettyä novellia jäi siis ilmestymättä - ehkä ne ovat jossain Kolmiokirjan arkistoissa. Kummatkin mainitut novellit kaivoin esille ja julkaisin uudestaan: "Lomalle" ilmestyi Isku-lehden vuosikertatarinana (valitettavasti en muista vuotta, mutta todennäköisesti 2004-2006), Like Uutisten "Kuolleet kalat" taas ilmestyi vuonna 2007 ensimmäisessä Ässä-lehdessä, joka oli keskittynyt ultralyhyihin rikosjuttuihin. (Lehden käännösnovelleistahan on oma kirjansa, Ajokortti helvettiin.)
Vuosia myöhemmin Otso innostui, kun huutelin Facebookissa yhden sivun mittaista täytejuttua Länkkäriseuran Ruudinsavun novellinumeroon, jota olin kasaamassa. Otso kommentoi, että seuraavana aamuna minua odottaisi novelli sähköpostissa - niin kuin odottikin. Olin ilmoittanut hänelle hiukan liian pienen merkkimäärän, mutta ehdin saada novelliin myös kuvituksen mainiolta Aapo Kukolta. Intiaaniaiheinen novelli oli nimeltään "Petollinen helmikoriste"; se löytyy Otson blogista. Mietin ja varmaan jollain leikin varjolla heitinkin idean, että näistä kolmesta novellista saisi oman pienen kirjasensa - sellaisiahan olen tehnyt aiemminkin, Verikoirakirjojen nimellä, esimerkiksi amerikkalaisen David Terrenoiren Hyvässä naapurustossa on kolme mininovellia ja 16 sivua. Otso ei kuitenkaan tarttunut tarjoukseeni, mahtoiko ottaa tosissaankaan?
Olin ennen näitä novellejakin tiennyt Otson dekkarifanina ja -kriitikkona, jota kiinnosti sama lajityyppi kuin minuakin, amerikkalainen kovaksikeitetty kirjallisuus. Yhtenä kimmokkeena esikoisteokselleni Pulpografialle oli nimittäin hänen paneutunut artikkelinsa amerikkalaisen pulp-klassikon, dekkareita ja länkkäreitä useiden vuosikymmenien ajan kirjoittaneen Frank Gruberin suomennetuista kioskikirjoista. Se ilmestyi Dekkariseuran Ruumiin kulttuuri -lehdessä joskus 1980-luvulla. Sitä ei jostain syystä mainita Pulpografian lähdeluettelossa, mutta siteeraan Otsoa kuitenkin Gruberin kohdalla: hänen mukaansa kirjailijan humoristiset Fletcher ja Cragg -kirjat ovat kuin kadonnut linkki Cervantesin ja Chester Himesin välillä. Mikä ettei.
Dekkariseurassa Otso oli myös aktiivi (hän ei ollut perustajajäsen, niin kuin tässä aiemmin väitin). Sittemmin hän oli Kaarle Ervastin ja kolmannen henkilön (jonka nimeä en tiedä) kanssa perustamassa Nostromo-nimistä kustantamoa, jonka dekkarilöytöihin kuuluu lyömätön klassikko, James Crumleyn Viimeinen kunnon suudelma (The Last Good Kiss, 1978; suom. Risto Raitio). Se on kirja, jonka luettuaan ei oleta mitään siitä, minkälaisia yksityisetsivädekkarien tulisi olla. Samana vuonna Nostromolta tuli myös uusi laitos Ray Bradburyn kauhuklassikosta Something Wicked This Way Comes (1963) - kirjassa käytettiin Jertta Roosin suomennosta, joka oli ilmestynyt nimellä Painajainen vuonna 1964, mutta uuden kirjan nimeksi tuli alkuperäistä lähellä oleva Paha saapuu portin taa. Muita rikosromaaneja Nostromo ei julkaissut eikä kustantamo kovin pitkäikäinen ollutkaan. Myöhemmin Otso perusti toisen kustantamon, taidekirjoihin ja Pieneen kävelykirjastoon keskittyneen Jack-in-the-boxin.
Otso sanoi usein Facebookissa käydyissä keskusteluissa, että vaikka hän oli pitkään innostunut dekkareista, hän luopui kokoelmastaan jossain vaiheessa eikä palannut lajityyppiin. Yllä olevat esimerkit ovat kuitenkin jättäneet lähtemättömiä jälkiä - ainakin minuun.
EDIT: Lisätty kuvailuja Otson novelleista ja korjattu RikosPalojen toimittajan nimi.
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