Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tapani Bagge: Ammattimies

My friend, prolific author Tapani Bagge has a new short story collection out soon. Here are the cover by Jukka Murtosaari and the contents of the collection. The book consists mainly of previously published stories, but there are also some hitherto unpublished ones. As you can see, I've published some of the stories in Isku and other fanzines, "Kylmä tuuli/Cold Wind" having been published only in Isku.

Jukka's cover illo features Tapani's hero (or actually anti-hero) Kovanen, who's the lead character in the two graphic novels Tapani scripted to Jari Rasi's drawings.

The book's publisher is Turbator and it will come out to the Turku Book Fair in August, with the Western short story collection I've edited, with stories by Joni Skiftesvik and Totti Karpela.

Alamäki (RikosPalat 1/1988; Isku 1 (2004))
Ammattimies (1988; Pikkujuttu, Gummerus 2003)
Laukaus tehtaalla (SinäMinä 19/1990 (salanimellä Tapio Halla-aho))
Kylmä tuuli (Isku 6 (2005))
Rikoksen pyörteissä (SinäMinä 23/1990 (salanimellä Tapio Halla-aho))
Bodom, bodom, bodom… (Seura 36/2005)
Ääriviivat (Aamulehden Valo 32/2007; Ässä 2 (2008))
Salainen keksintö (1988; Usvazine 4/2007)
Aina murha kotiolot voittaa (RikosPalat 4/1988; Isku 8 (2008))
Keskiyö Rio de Janeirossa (RikosPalat 5/1988)
Varjoton mies (1988)
Kuolema joulun alla (1988)

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