Thursday, January 12, 2006

My desk

Lee Goldberg started it. So here's a picture of my (actually ours, since Elina uses this too) working place. Not much of feng shui, huh? On the left there are some reference books, books on first names, Quinlan's Film Directors, a Bible reference book, my own books, the bibliography of Finnish crime literature and so forth. There seems to be my Six Guns on the table, on the left to the keyboard.

Below these there are the kids' books. You can see a cock sitting on something in a cover of Animals on the Farm.

This is in an especially bad shape, since on the table there are things that Kauto has shuffled or pulled away from their place - you can see the wires under the table: he goes in there and starts to pull them. That's why the printer is so badly disjointed (it's the grey box beside the screen). The box under the table that seems to be falling apart - besides being falling apart - is the box for the kids to take papers on which they can draw. I think Kauto has been sitting in it for couple of times.

There's a window on the right. It gives away to the street (we live in the first floor - I don't spend much time browsing porn pages (only with curtains down)) and people can see what we are doing. Maybe my troubles with the TV show got started for doing the decoration too un-feng shui.


Jari Sedergren said...

You must get yourself a better chair.

Juri said...

And then all my problems go away? Yes, I know, we've been talking about that with Elina. I'm actually pretty cool with this old chair, but Elina doesn't know how to sit on this.