Friday, March 31, 2006

The Wheelman, pt. 2

Finished The Wheelman the other night. It is truly a great piece of action. Very nasty ending, I tell you that. They sure won't put that into the film that's supposed to be in the making.

There's one minor glitch, but I won't give it away, since it would spoil everything. In the end everything was saved once again, though.

The book is also making good nominationwise. Good luck to Mr. Swierczynski - and happy birthday to Parker!


Unknown said...

I'm very happy you enjoyed ending. (At least I hope you enjoyed the ending...)

As for the movie version, I can say that the ending is being changed a bit. But it's still pretty friggin' dark...

Juri said...

I did enjoy the ending. It was actually quite a surprise, being as bleak as it is. (And also very, very funny!)

Have they picked the actors yet?